OpenAI’s Sora Video Generator: The Controversial Potential for AI-Generated Nudity and the Rush to Implement Fixes

4 min read







OpenAI's Sora has the capability to produce convincingly authentic nude videos, with developers hastening to implement a solution

OpenAI's CTO, Mira Murati, has confirmed that their video creator, Sora, can effortlessly create nude videos of individuals when instructed to do so. The AI firm is now focusing on developing a remedy to prevent this issue from occurring prior to the product's release.

OpenAI could potentially be heading towards a slew of legal troubles and investigations. The company has not dismissed the possibility that its upcoming Sora video generator could produce inappropriate content, which might spell trouble for the firm.

During a comprehensive discussion with the Wall Street Journal regarding the imminent tool, Mira Murati, the CTO of OpenAI, implied that the company is still grappling with the issue of nudity.

"Uncertain," Murati said to the WSJ's journalists regarding the topic of nudity. "It's conceivable that artists may wish for greater authority in these creative scenarios. At present, we collaborate with artists and creators from diverse areas to determine what's beneficial and how much adaptability the tool should offer."

The unexpectedly frank response might have been missed during the interview's notorious YouTube training data incident. However, some specialists are concerned that if Sora permits "artistic" nudity, it could potentially unleash a metaphorical onslaught of pornography.

"OpenAI is faced with a tough choice in this matter as, whether we like it or not, it's likely that about 90% of the demand for AI-created videos will come from the porn industry," stated Daniel Colson, the creator and executive leader of the AI Policy Institute (AIPI), in a conversation with Quartz. "This sets up an uncomfortable situation where, if mainstream businesses developing these models do not provide this service, it presents a massive motivation for the underground market to step in and offer it."

Considering the simplicity of manipulating AI models to produce results that breach their restrictions, it's highly likely individuals will attempt to coax Sora into creating explicit content. This indeed places the leading AI company in a predicament where it's criticized regardless of its actions.

Surveys show that the public is not only worried about the application of AI technology in creating deepfake pornography, like the disturbing images of Taylor Swift made earlier this year, but a significant 86% also think that the companies responsible for such readily-abused tools should bear the responsibility for their lax security measures.

"Colson further stated that this clearly indicates that the public is giving serious consideration to this technology. They believe it's potent. They've observed how tech firms utilize these models, algorithms, and technologies, and how it results in significant societal changes."

Why doesn't OpenAI grasp the significant concerns that the public seems to comprehend?

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